Where is the Snack Cart?

Where is the Snack Cart (.com) is a website dedicated to knowing where to find the snacks and the cart they travel on. 

Edelman Digital NYC
Self-Initiated Project
Role: Concept & cArt Direction

At Edelman, great after­noons are marked by the sound of a single bell. People drop every­thing. Con­vers­ations stop. Meet­ing doors fly open and every­one dash­es to gather around the leg­end­ary Snack Cart.

It’s a simple idea. The snack cart serves up healthy food (and some diet soda) Mon­day through Thursd­ay for just 50 cents. You can’t beat it. This small tradi­tion gets huge at­tent­ion, and watch­ing peo­ple de­light in the re­charge sends a rip­pling ef­fect ac­ross the floor. The only down side to the snack cart is mis­sing the snack cart. So we did some­thing about it.

Never miss the snack cart again. Whereisthesnackcart.com makes sure you get your after­noon rec­harge with­out fail. Using some mag­ical cod­ing, bea­con tech­nology and a lit­tle digit­al love, you can see where the snack cart is at all times.

This is the first of many fun Edelman Digital pro­jects pre­sent­ed to you through a part­ner­ship be­tween the New York Tech and Exper­ience Des­ign teams. Stay tuned for more but for now, en­joy the snacks.